Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Configuring Global Filters

In addition to the standard filtering available for each individual dashboard item, you can add global filters that apply to all reports on the dashboard. You can also configure descriptive text to aid users in applying these filters.

To apply filters globally, you must ensure that each individual report filter is configured as described in the instructions below. You can also create more advanced filters using Query form and Substitution functionality.


  1. Ensure that the dashboard is in 'Design' mode and then expand the Dashboard Filter field by clicking the down arrow .

The Filter Configuration field is displayed. For example:

  1. Drag and drop segments from the Data Explorer or use the Create new drop-down to engineer one or more filter criteria.
  2. Click Edit Questions to add some descriptive text to assist users with their filter selections. For example:

Note: These questions are simply free form text—they do not result in selectable check boxes.
  1. For each report that you want the global filter to apply to, ensure that the report's filter is configured to join with 'Previous Criteria' as illustrated below:

  1. Save your changes.
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